Friday, September 10, 2010

Au Naturel Day 5 - Hot Process Soap

My skin's been glowing you guys! 5 days of all-natural skincare and I gotta say - I'm pleasantly surprised! It's not always the easiest (for instance, I keep my Rose Hip Seed Oil in the fridge, because it spoils very easy - and the stuff aint cheap - So I wash in the bathroom, and moisturize in my kitchen) and I'm not used to the feeling of missing water from my moisturizer because I've only been moisturizing with oil thus far.

I cleansed with GwendolynForever's Honey & Glycerin cleanser this morning. I love this stuff in the's a light cleanser and my skin feels soft and glowing after I cleanse with it. I take my time with it, I massage for a good 30-60 seconds, then leave it on while I brush my teeth before rinsing it all off. I can't recommend this cleanser enough! It comes in a small bottle (4oz - which lasts forever anyways) so you don't have to committ to the huge jar right off the bat. Pick it up here:

I miss a regular oil/water moisturizer though. I make a body butter using a classic cold cream formula, but it would be way too heavy for my face. There are some "natural" brands out there, but they have preservatives - and rightfully so, it is inevitable to have SOME FORM of preservative in any product that has water in it. I have a Green Beaver brand moisturizer kicking around here somewhere - they make FANTASTIC natural products. I'll try that out after my 7 days of completely natural are up. Their website is:

Today I found a hot-process soap that I bought at the Withrow Farmers Market. This one had a strawberry fragrance oil in it and I normally don't like fragranced stuff for my face, but I wanted bubbles! I missed a lathering cleanser, so I figure this is natural - it's an old-fashioned soap, right? I LOVED IT. It was gentle, it was thorough, it rinsed completely clean, but my skin didn't feel like it was stretching over my skull afterwards! A wonderful and NATURAL cleansing!!! Except I have no idea who the seller was. I'll have to go back to the Farmers Market tomorrow to (a) buy an unscented one for my face and (b) get their name! ha.

While this endeavour has definitely been interesting, I'm looking forward to going back to regular moisturizer (even if my cleansers and toners stay all-natural). Wearing blush and concealer with oily moisturizers is a real pain in the butt. I haven't really broken out - just a couple of tiny pimples that self-correct within 24 hours (maybe its my skin detoxifying?), but my blush and concealer just disappear off my face!

Check out my skincare products in my etsy shop here:

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